Production and Selection

Our Production
After having bred the best Sturgeon specimens, we move onto the delicate production phase. Here, thanks to the 20 plus years of experience of our Caviar Master - among the most noted salt maestros internationally - we create different selections of Caviar with the Malossol technique (otherwise known as reduced amount of salt, done so that the authentic flavor of the great caviar may shine). In our farms in Bovolone (VR) and Gardigiano (VE) we produce caviar of absolute quality thanks to a meticulous handle on each step of production: we know each and every fish in our waters and we respect the natural growth that they arrive at, some reaching even 20 years of age.

Italian Caviar
Throughout the years we’ve expanded our knowledge of Caviar production and the transformation from fresh to conserved, using techniques that keep the caviar’s organoleptic properties unaltered.
We scrupulously manage and follow the entire production process and carry out the delicate art of salting with the Malossol technique. We distribute only the caviar that meets our very strict freshness, flavor, color, size, and taste criteria.
After packaging, the caviar “matures” in a temperature controlled room, a process that favors flavor concentration.
IFS Food — since 2017, a certification of strict criteria for packaging and production that we adhere to. An international level standard that is a guarantee in terms of quality and safety, all of the norms that best ensure consumer protection.

The Selection of the Best Caviar from Abroad
Our expertise allows us to select the best varieties of fine caviar from all over the world.