Cru Caviar

History, Experience and Passion. We produce Caviar following a meticulously controlled supply chain. We believe in the importance of the origin of the product and the craftsmanship, guaranteeing unique and unforgettable Cru of Caviar.

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About us

We are the largest Italian producers of Beluga Caviar, and among the largest producers internationally. We have over 40 years of experience in the distribution of caviar around the world and 20 as producers of this excellence.

We have 4 farms in Italy and the know-how of 3 generations in aquaculture. In Italy our caviar is chosen by the most important starred chefs. We are also present all over the world, on the most prestigious tables.



Our 4 farms are located between Veneto and Lombardy, spanning over 20 acres developed with extreme respect for the ecosystem, characterised by fresh and uncontaminated waters. Here, each sturgeon is carefully bred and raised: from the egg, to the fry, to the mature specimen, living in these waters for up to 20 years.


News & Events

Cru Caviar a TASTE 2025: un'eccellenza sotto il segno del gusto

Saremo presenti a Firenze, alla 18° edizione del salone Pitti Immagine TASTE, l’evento che celebr...


UN TOCCO DI LUSSO CHE FARÀ BRILLARE IL TUO EVENTO Immagina una serata esclusiva, dove un Caviar M...

Cru Caviar al SEAFOOD EXPO 2024

Dal 23 al 25 aprile saremo presenti all’appuntamento annuale più importante del settore. Vi aspet...